Pion Meeting June 7 2023 1:00PM ET

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Zoom link: contact David Armstrong, Elham Gorgannejad, or Jennifer Finch for the link.


  1. more on borosilicate vs. quartz windows for the pion detector PMTs and thermal neutrons: [1],[2]
  2. status of quote from Hammamatsu for PMTs (R7957 and R5320)
  3. Trigger needs for pion detector measurements
  4. AOB


  1. David, Wouter, Sayak, Jim, Carl


  1. (David) I am leaning towards quartz window tubes for PMTs, certainly for next round of prototypes. Quartz windows are more robust against radiation damage (as Dustin reminded us last week), and even if thermal neutron capture on the 10B is not a problem for us, this may make it worth the cost differential to go with quartz. Am waiting on quotes from Hamamatsu; have quote from ET already.
  2. (Sayak) working on thermal neutron simulations using G4 and the beam generator; some issues getting jobs through the farm, will contact experts.
  3. (Carl) If Simona is not available to measure gain on the PMTs we used in the Mainz beam tests until August, then Carl has a setup for PMT testing (for SOLID) that he could volunteer to use for this. David also suggests that we might use that same setup for Q/A on the production tubes when they arrive; W&M could provide student labor for that effort.
  4. (all) Discussion of trigger options/needs for pion detector. Wouter urges that we make a trigger for pions that is smarter (more restrictive) than the simple (TS pair).(any MainDetector).(and Pion Detector) that David had proposed. Main reason is that then the trigger rate itself becomes a useful on-line diagnostic. Issue is that the TS will rotate to different angles - do we want different combinations corresponding to different rotations to be programmed? Perhaps enough to have single trigger configuration corresponding to the "unrotated" positions, but when used in the other rotational positions it would allow use to look at the "cross-sector" rates. David will bring this idea to the DAQ group for discussion.