Pion Meeting June 4 2021 11AM ET
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- Updates on pion detector studies (Elham) [1]
- Beam generator simulations (Raj)
David, Elham, Julia, Raj, Wouter
- Pion detector studies (Elham)
- Entire pion donut holding frame changed to vacuum
- improves pi/e ratio by factor 2
- still have charged particles reach lucite
- frame is significant source of background
- Shorter lucite detector and shifted inwards:
- improves pi/e ratio marginally but not dramatically
- Set the lucite lightguide to vacuum: check whether lightguide or PMT is a big part of the source of background in our lucite
- Look at hit.phi - hit.vphi (= atan2(hit.vx,hit.vy)): does background come from same or different sector?
- Draw separate sources independently and zoomed in: one plot each for showermax, concrete/lead, lightguide, lucite close-up with shielding, with number of entries shown on each plot
- Draw direction histogram for lucite hits at top surface: 1d histo of momentum theta, 2d histo of momentum theta and phi, 1d histo of dot product with axis towards PMT
- Check pi/e ratio at the main detector plane 28, probably only needs 100k events
- Copy files from /home/elhamm/projects/rrg-jmammei/elhamm/PionDetectorOptimization/simulation/scratch/16-16-AllFrame-Galactic-2cmshiftedLucite-7cm/moller.root to volatile
- Entire pion donut holding frame changed to vacuum