Pion Meeting February 26 2021 11AM ET

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  1. Different concrete/lead donut radius for the newgeometry with shielding in the electron and pion generator (Elham) [1]


David, Elham, Raj, Wouter


  • Local shielding of lucite detectors (downstream/inner radial) works better. This presentation: changing concrete/lead donut radius.
  • Rate of electrons goes down as radial size is increased: factor 10 decrease when increasing from 16 cm to 35 cm.
  • When changing the radial thickness of concrete and lead independently, the lead has a much larger impact.
  • When changing the longitudinal thickness of concrete and lead independently, the lead has a much larger impact as well.
  • Increasing both the radial thickness while reducing the longitudinal thickness does not result in a change (when keeping volume about the same).
  • Wouter working on visualization, will pass code to Elham.
  • Plan: make acrylic smaller in radial extent, keep inner radius the same, reduce outer radius, keep lightguide geometry identical