Pion Meeting February 12 2021 11AM ET

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  1. Different designs for the newgeometry with shielding in the electron and pion generator (Elham) [1]


Elham, Wouter, David


New design evaluation:

  • lucite tilted at 22.5 deg
  • lucite tilted at 45 deg
  • larger lead donut outer radius

Increase in pion rate when adding 10 cm lead: probably scattering of larger radius pions into the lucite when they otherwise would have just hit the hall wall

The rate for the Moller generator with > 2 MeV goes up when the lucite is tilted: lucite covers more solid angle for a shower on the outer downstream radial edge of the lead donut. But why does that corner light up?

Q: We should determine the dependence of the pi/e ratios on the radial lead donut extent from 16 cm to larger than 26 cm.

Q: We should run with a lucite with 5 cm height.

Q: Run visualization for Moller generator events that cause light to reach the pion detector PMT.

Q: How important is the ep tail for this larger lead donut radial extent?

Q: Can we extend only the concrete in radius, not the lead? Can we make the lead thinner if we make it further in radius?


  • concrete/lead radius extend 16, 21, 26, 30, 35 cm
  • keep concrete at 16 cm, extend lead only to 26 cm
  • keep lead at 16 cm, extend concrete only to 26 cm
  • fix downstream face of donut, then reduce lead thickness