Pion Meeting August 27 2021 11AM ET
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- Dial-in: 408-740-7256 (US), 888-240-2560 (US Toll Free), 408-317-9253 (Alternate number)
- Updates on pion detector studies (Elham)
- Beam generator simulations (Raj)
David, Elham, Julia, Raj, Jim, Wouter
- Updates on pion detector studies (Elham)
- energy spectrum of electrons or pion reaching lucite with 48.5" or 56" cutout in aluminum plate is unchanged -> no shifting around of rate
- there is suppression of low energy electrons when tilting and shifting the showermax
- Monte Carlo efficiency on pions is only 1600 / 500k
- Rate at the pion lucite PMT plane, detector 29, but should be placed more upstream than in these simulations
- hit.p < 2 MeV and hit.p > 2 MeV is not a clean separation since we can still have mixtures of these
- instead of using *any* hit, we should use *all* hits or *highest* momentum only
- Beam generator simulations (Raj)
- photo-electrons in beam simulations are not dependent on size of lucite detectors, which is good-ish(?)
- Modular RICH idea? https://www.bnl.gov/aum2018/content/workshops/Workshop_1e/XSun_mRICH_R&D.pdf