Pion Meeting April 5 2023 1:00PM ET

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Zoom link: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1608212513?pwd=M25LR1hzN3hLWm0xaFFETjZ0U1lQZz09



Sudip, Elham, David, Wouter, Carl, Kate, Jim


  1. (David) No PMT test results yet from Simona (post meeting: she promises to get results by April 25)
  2. (Wouter) remoll issue found by others, in which (for certain generators) the energy range and angular range are set by default not by the particular generator, but (unless explicitly set in macro) set by the 12C elastic generator. Working to fix this; might effect some of our simulation results (Moller generator should not be affected, but elastic proton and inelastic proton generator may be affected). Should recheck our pi/e ratio once this is fixed.
  3. (Elham) working on the Bayesian analysis of the Qweak 3-pass data set, and on the mechanical holder for the pion detectors.
  4. (David) will try to schedule a special meeting so that Tristan Hurst (W&M senior undergrad) can present his Machine Learning results on pi/e separation in counting mode to this group.