Pion Meeting April 29 2022 3:30PM ET
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- Fair Sampling: open/closed/transition detectors - (David) [1]
- Update on prototyping the pion detector, blackening sides of the Acrylic- (Elham)
- Elham: DAQ studies
- blackening: demonstration of blackening, no more TIR on visual photo
- much lower energy peak with blackened sides, 5 channels vs 20 channels
- directionality is different from what will be orientation in MOLLER
- could put scintillator sideways, but at cost of lower rate
- Juliette's Sr-90
- endpoint energy of 546 keV will range out in scintillator
- maybe get thinner scintillator for triggering
- blackening: demonstration of blackening, no more TIR on visual photo