Optics Meeting Oct 18 2022 230PM ET
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- Effect of Magnetic Field Variation on pass 1 results (Vassu)[1]
Andrew Hurley, David, Vassu, Ciprian, Brynna, Zuhal, Paul S., James.
- (Vassu) At pass 1, still have Moller/12C overlaps look at GEM_r in many sectors, even if we vary B field. Both 12C and Mollers move in similar way in GEM_r vs Bfield. Varying B-field may help test other aspects of the reconstruction algorithm, however. Perhaps culd try looking at GEM_r' next. Also try: one 12C foil only for 1-pass, smaller diameter holes. Also, notice that the theta residual plot for 2-pass is double-peaked, probably algorithm is getting confused by two foils in this case.
- (Vassu) Use of local phi vs global phi in reconstruction makes essentially no difference.
- (Bill) Nathan and James are both busy with required course work this semester. Nathan will be looking at 2D tracking aspect. James will look at the low-energy gamma GEANT 4 issues, and also starting to look at Chandan's GEM tracking code from PREx-II.
Meeting link information
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Meeting ID: 972 5975 5403
Passcode: 4937
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