Optics Meeting Nov 8 2022 230PM ET
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- Gem frames into Remoll [Bill] [1]
Kate, Andrew, David, Vassu, Bill, Paul, Ciprian, James, Brynna, Abhay
- (Bill)Implementation of Al frame materials for GEMS into remoll; looks correct on event display visualizer. Initial tests shows (100 events) only modest (few %) increase in CPU time per event. Discussion of possibly making the frames into active detectors to check the geometry, etc. These are easily rotatable, so we can have run simulation with the frames in each of the measurement positions.
- (Kate)GEANT4 with the Livermore libraries: Kate has lowered the minimum energy for the ionization process down to 10 eV, and events no longer seem to be getting "stuck" (i.e. timing out). Will run with more statistics to see if this has solved our problem.
- (David)Bill, Abhay, David to discuss plans for track reconstruction software.
Meeting link information
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Meeting ID: 972 5975 5403
Passcode: 4937
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