Optics Meeting Mar 20 2024 1100AM ET

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  1. updates from all


  1. Kate, Syak, Buddhika, Andrew, David, Tyler, Zuhal, Vassu, Hanjie, Mike D., Paul S.


  1. (Kate) - working on magnetic field study, no results yet.
  2. (Vassu) - will be updates next week.
  3. (Tyler) - C++ fitting code: have implemented phi angles from -pi to pi, fixes the issue from last time with phi fits. Implemented an automated way to eliminate radiative tail events from present simulated data (one beam energy, one 12C foil); the theta and phi residual plots now look reasonably comparable to the python fit results under similar circumstances. The rad tail is cut as follows: isolate a region of GEM hits in phi, to select a particular sieve hole. Plot the R distribution; then cut events that are greater than 2*rms away in GEM_r from the mean. Vassu notes that this might not work as well if one tries fitting simultaneously to data from multiple foils (after the meeting idea from David: if the radiative tail cut is applied piece-wise to data from each individual foil, and then the data are combined for the fit, this should still work - since we no longer plan on taking data from multiple foils at the same time, we will know which foil, i.e. which run, each event came from). Tyler's next steps: automate generation of the residual plots, make it easier to adjust which terms are used in the fitted polynomial, look at simulations from multiple passes and multiple foils.
  4. (Mike) A vendor has been selected - the project is about a week away for making the purchase order for both the sieve and the blocker. Delivery would be expected mid-June. The Certificate of Compliance from the vendor would include metrology on the holes, etc., which, along with the RIR document (receipt and inspection record) from the lab would be uploaded to the MOLLER SharePoint site, so physicists will have access to the data. JLab survey crew would be involved with the inspection of the sieve.

Meeting link information

See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans, or Jennifer McAllister for Zoom link