Optics Meeting Feb 7 2024 1100AM ET

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1. Fitting optics matrix in c++ (Tyler)

2. Brief update on pattern of residuals (Vassu)


Kate, David,Tyler, Hanjie, Vassu, Paul, Sayak, Zuhal, Ciprian


1. (Tyler) - the initial C++ version of the optics fitting code now compiles, is posted on github, and is following a modular design philosophy. Can be built on a OSX/Mac, so don't need to use ifarm to run it. Trying to be flexible about input data Tree structure, and type of fitting algorithms that are called. Next up will be to make comparison with results from this and from the original python code.

2. (Vassu) - using the latest fits, in which the fit parameters were extracted using non-radiated sieve hole events, but were applied to all sieve data, have plotted the theta residuals vs. phi_global, we see that the residuals are centered at zero for the holes at phi_local=0, but are deviated from zero for those with a non-zero phi_local offset. So, probably to suppress these deviations we need to include phi-dependent terms in the theta fit-function. Can we use these results to figure out what functional form to add?

3. (Vassu) - might not be able to attend next week (away at a workshop). Will set up a meeting with David and Hanjie to discuss getting kinematic factor uncertainty estimates with present fit function.

Meeting link information

See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans or Jennifer McAllister for Zoom link