Optics Meeting Dec 13 2023 1100AM ET
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- Tyler, David, Bill, Sayak, Andrew, Hanjie, Ciprian
- No simulation updates this week.
- Tyler suggests a meeting to discuss where next to go with developing the matrix fitting code; should we stay with the current python platform, make it more flexible? David will check if the key experts are available so we could have this on agenda for next week's meeting.
- A brief discussion of needs for GEM decoding, clustering, and track reconstruction code, and where to "hook" in remoll output as well as real data, and how much code from SBS can be reused. Again, perhaps something for next week's agenda.
- Bill plans on bring the SBU MOLLER GEM prototype to JLab to add to the present setup with the UVA GEM prototype - maybe a good way to exercise code, and get prototype measurements of position resolution, absolute efficiency.
Meeting link information
See email invitation, or contact David Armstrong, Kate Evans or Jennifer McAllister for Zoom link