Int Det Mtg 190502

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Connection information

 BlueJeans calling instructions:
 Toll-Free Number (U.S.&  Canada):  888-240-2560
 International toll number:         408-740-7256
 Meeting ID:                          2254687741
 Bluejeans link:
 Offline room:   N/A


  1. Geometry updates and tasks:
    • WD: GitHub project page lists our tasks.
    • SR: do we have 2 configurations He and Vacuum. Which one should we use as default? CG: you should always should anchor your results to previously run simulations and look at relative differences.
    • WD: edited list and assigned people to it. (see results on GitHub)
    • SR: we have a new grad student that is going to look at energy deposition in the epoxy. For now she will learn about the simulation but we should have a geometry update before she actually produces new results.
    • WD: once decomposition scheme is fully implemented in the develop branch we can assign someone to the “Quartz tiling”


Kent P, Wouter D, Sakib R, Ryan R, Dustin M, Chandan G, Cameron C, Ciprian G