Int Det Mtg 190404
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BlueJeans calling instructions: Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 888-240-2560 International toll number: 408-740-7256 Meeting ID: 2254687741 Bluejeans link: Offline room: N/A
- Integrating electronics overview
- Integrating electronics status details
CAD Backups
Cameron is zipping (tar.gz via 'tar -zcvf') the entire bunch of MOLLER CAD files into tarballs (chmod 775 and chown -R cameronc:a-parity) and sending them to JLab's ifarm (/work/halla/parity/disk1/CAD_Storage) and from there using the Jasmine tape storage system to make a permanent backup at JLab (run the command '/site/bin/jput filename.tar.gz /mss/halla/parity/moller12gev/CAD_Backups/' to run a backup job on the ifarm).
The most recent backup was performed on 11/20/2018 (including a new version of the radial detector array).
The existing version of the CAD is out of date w.r.t. vacuum/helium updates, target chamber updates, and some downstream beampipe updates.