CountingDaq 240830
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 1:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Recording on Zoom:
Participants: S. Malace, P. King, R Michaels, B. Moffit, P. Souder, D. Armstrong, R. Conaway, Z. Ji, S. Regmi, M. Gericke, C. Zorn, H. Liu, A. Sen, D. McNulty, Jaydeep,
- Activity updates
- David shared a picture of the detector and DAQ rack in the W&M high bay area, and pictures of the test rotation of the detector support frame
- Pion detector test stand update, Simona
- Data was taken with the pion detector prototype in both "beam" (cosmics hitting the detector end-on) and "flat" configuration (cosmics going across the sides of the detector)
- VTP trigger is an 8-channel multiplicity using four two-PMT-scintillator bars
- The pion detector signal is somewhat noisy, especially in the "beam" configuration. There are likely some small light leaks where the blankets did not fully cover the detector. Including timing cuts on the pion detector signal improves the signal-to-noise.
- Simona is getting ~66 p.e.s in the "beam" configuration; this is in good agreement with David's simulated yield from cosmics
- Carl suggests that he can get a few sheets of optical cloth for the future set up after moving the test stand to the Test Lab high-bay. It provides very good light coverage and is likely lighter in weight than the heavier of the two blankets Simona has used
- The base used on the pion detector for these tests uses the default divider that is provided with the PMT. There is not any amplification on the signal.
- Chandan has a started on an analyzer and has reached out to Simona to test on the data files (Simona suggested that he look at runs 2363 and 2361)
- Status of W&M DAQ setup
- People who would like to have remote access to the DAQ system should put their information into the spreadsheet linked above. David will likely submit the initial list on Tuesday, but it should not be a problem to submit more names later
- The VXS crate is installed with the CPU, FADC, FADC interface card, VTP, and TI. The second FADC will be added later today.
- We have also set up the server, network switch (4 ports are PoE+, and 4 ports are PoE++), and a console server. The W&M network will connect to the server, and everything else will be on a private network hanging off the second Ethernet adapter on the server.
- So far we're using three of the PoE+ ports for the server, console server, and VME CPU. We'd like to use one of the PoE++ ports for an integrating ADC, so have a total of four ports available. If we need more network ports, David has a hub that we could hang off the switch.
- There are a total of eight console server ports; we are using one of them for the CPU, so there are seven available for other devices
- The initial set-up of the server has been done, but we need to wait for network connection before we can complete it and get CODA running
- We plan to start with the same VTP firmware as Simona is using right now. To be able to support just a single scintillator pair, we'd set the multiplicity level to 2 and either set the other FADC channels to a high threshold, or only turning on the HV for a single pair
- Simona will be starting to work on the VTP firmware version that will support doing the OR of the four sets of scintillator pairs; we'll check in on that effort at the meeting in two weeks
- Michael asks if there is enough room in the rack to be able to add the CAEN and Wiener modules. These are both about 9u in height, if he recalls correctly
- There's probably more than 9U below the VXS crate right now, and once we're happy with the VTP triggering we could remove the NIM bins. And David could bring in another rack if we needed one.