CountingDaq 230526
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 12:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Recording on Zoom:
Participants: R. Michaels, B. Moffit, D. Armstrong, R. Conaway
- Initial discussion of the DAQ test stand. Bob and Bryan will be able to get the TEDF DAQ back up and update the VTP firmware/library
- David is working on the trigger condition list, but does not yet have a document
- He would initially plan on defining classes of trigger inputs which would be the OR of all the similar signals (such as all of Ring 5), and then possibly form coincidences between different types of detectors (such as a coincidence between Ring 5 and the TS).
- Bryan suggests having a MOLLER DAQ slack channel set up; Paul will look into setting up the
- Discussion of DAQ needs at W&M
- We don't expect that most of the GEM testing would be done at W&M, but if it is useful to have for DAQ testing, we could look at bringing one there
- Primarily plan on cosmic testing a few detector segments at a time