CountingDaq 220527

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  12:00pm Eastern
 Zoom connection information
 Join ZoomGov Meeting
 Meeting ID: 160 380 0887
 Passcode: 903612
 US Tool free phone: (833) 568 8864
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  • Activity updates
  • General discussion
    • No meeting on 10 June (Paul on conference travel)?


Recording on Zoom: [1]

Participants: D. Armstrong, B. Moffit, R. Michaels, P. King, C. Zorn, C. Ghosh, J. Fast, D. McNulty

  • David: Still double checking the x-ray noise study in the GEMs. His assumptions for the xray conversion in the GEMs match what is presented in the SBS proposals; he points out that SBS is having issues with the xray background because they have line-of-sight to the target from the GEMs, and we won't. He thinks the xrays won't be a significant contributor to the singles rates.
  • Bob: He has a new laptop to be used as another CODA workstation in TEDF
  • Paul: What do we need from the beamline instrumentation during counting mode? David will look at the
  • Bryan: He's been working on the VTP trigger for HCAL
    • HCAL will have two crates with VTPs, one with just FADC250s and one with FADC250s and F1TDCs. The first firmware iteration will just use the VTPs to readout the FADCs. The second iteration will have the two VTPs connected to do the triggering.
  • Chandan: The UMass DAQ is going to be upgraded to CODA3.
    • Last time, Chandan had mentioned the HV needs for the UMass test stand. When KK gets back, Chandan will discuss buying some HV
    • Chandan mentions that UMass had bought two FADCs, and they are currently deployed in the running experiment. Alex knows where these are.
  • Question from last time: where are slow controls included in the project?
    • Jim asks if we missed this within the project
    • Bob says that some of this is done by folks in the ACC
    • Bryan points out that the halls do typically have someone for EPICS support; for instance Hovannes Egiyan had done a lot of the Hall B EPICS
    • Target and magnet EPICS systems are probably part of their deliverable; are there other systems (detectors, etc.) that would need EPICS support that didn't have that in their plan to date?
      • This should be brought up at the collaboration meeting.