CountingDaq 220204

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  12:00pm Eastern
 Zoom connection information
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 Meeting ID: 160 380 0887
 Passcode: 903612
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  • Activity updates
  • General discussion
    • Discussion of C. Cuevas response about new FADC design
    • GEMs: APV buffer = 4 mus (David)
    • Maybe want to read 6 25-ns windows in APV, as SBS is doing, rather than 3 (David)


Recording on Zoom: [ ]

Participants: D. Armstrong, M. Gericke, R. Michaels, C. Ghosh, P. King, B. Moffit, D. McNulty, J. Fast

  • Discussion of the FADC: C. Cuevas had sent an email about the Fast Electronics group's plans about the FADC250 redesign; the intention is that the new modules would be a direct replacement of the previous FADC250, just with updated components. Do we want to request different specifications?
    • David suggests that since the quartz pulses have FWHM of about 50ns, then there isn't a need to go to a faster sampling FADC.
    • Bob brings up that the polarimeter firmware as used on the previous FADC250 was specialized and we should
      • The Compton DAQ has used the Struck FADC, and had firmware developed by Struck. We should consider if we'd switch to the JLab module
    • Depending on the needs for the polarimeters, we don't have any specific requests related to the
  • Question from last meeting: What is the maximum latency for the APVs? The APV buffering time is 4us. This should be enough for us to set up the triggering.
  • David would like us to readout 6 samples from the GEMs instead of the 3 samples we had previously proposed. This is the same as what SBS is currently using. This will increase the data size per event; we should look at how that might impact our overall data rates and event rate estimates
  • Michael reports that Jie is almost done with the design for the dual-mode amplifier; he asks about the input impedance for the FADCs: they are 50ohm
    • I ask if the scintillator would need to have the amplifier in the base also
      • David and Chandan think that the scintillators will have enough light that they probably don't need the amplifiers.
  • David offers that we could get W&M undergraduates to do module testing work when we get to that point.