CountingDaq 210526
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 3:00pm Eastern BlueJeans calling instructions: Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 888-240-2560 Other BlueJeans access phone numbers are listed at Bluejeans CODE: 411 309 650 Bluejeans link:
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Meeting recording on [1]
Participants: Bryan Moffit, Jim Fast, David Armstrong, Robert Michaels, Chandan Ghosh, Kevin Ward, Paul King
- Paul is getting his purchase orders submitted through OU for the electronics needed for the test stands.
- One of the VXS crates he's ordering will be made available to UMass-Amhurst for the GEM readout test stand
- They'll also need a VTP module Late note: Paul has reached out to Chris about getting the VTP and other JLab modules.
- Chandan is starting to order in the other components for the GEM test stand; he has not ordered the HDMI cables yet. He has communicated with the UVa group about the type of HDMI cable they are using.
- David asks if there might be a way to look at the signal shaping through the HDMI cable. Discussion doesn't come up with a clear idea, but David will give it some thought.
- David asks about the plans for counting mode analysis tools.
- We should get the low-level software tools that SBS uses for DAQ system tests.
- For the full analysis, we might look at the SBS-offline as a starting point. SBS-offline is based on the Hall A Podd analysis framework
- Are there pieces of this that we could start to get students involved with already?
- Chandan mentions that the alignment group will be developing lists of plots/software that would be needed during early commissioning
- Chandan also mentions that there will be four radial scanners instead of three, and that they would need to be in both integrating and counting mode.