CountingDaq 210331
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 3:00pm Eastern BlueJeans calling instructions: Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 888-240-2560 Other BlueJeans access phone numbers are listed at Bluejeans CODE: 411 309 650 Bluejeans link:
- Brief summary of the 60% design review report (Draft report available at [1])
- Paul's summary: DocDB/704
- Shielding and radiation environment for electronics docDB591
- Test-stand planning
- Minimal test stand to get familiar with trigger design: 1-2 FADC, VTP, TI? Maybe use other experiment's test stands to gain familiarity first?
- General discussion
- Next meeting will be April 14
Participants: B. Moffit, C. Ghosh, D. Armstrong, H. Liu, R. Michaels, P. King
- Discussion of the 60% design review report
- David has started requesting new quotes for the amplifier modules
- David points out that since SBS expects to have higher rates and occupancies in their GEMs, the APVs will likely have a higher radiation environment than ours
- Thoughts on pulling the MPDs out during high current running: David and Chandan both report that the connections to the MPDs are not very robust, and it can take a day or two of debugging after unplugging and replugging them
- As discussed below, the radiation simulation in the small bunker looks favorable for leaving the MPDs in position during high current running
- Shielding and radiation environment for electronics
- In terms of accumulated damage, commercial electronics are robust to NEIL/cm^2 values of about 1e13.
- Simulation for APV location
- At the APV "in-position" location, the simulated NEIL/cm^2 for 344 PAC days at 65uA would be 4e12. Likely this will be lower for the retracted position the APVs would be in for actual high-current running, but it has not been simulated yet. So this shows about a factor of 2 margin.
- There is some phi dependence in the e-/pi- NEIL distributions. Maybe we can design the APV connections to the modules to take advantage of the lower dose regions?
- Simulation for MPDs in small bunker
- The NEIL/cm^2 inside the small bunker for 344 PAC days at 65uA is 7.5e10. So the MPD location should be fine during production running, if they are powered down.
- The small bunker center is 5m from the beamline, and the bunker is rotated ~45 degrees with respect to the beamline
- Jim asks if the bunker is too close to the beamline to avoid interfering with the GEM module rotation and retraction. The modules sit at ~1m and would likely retract another meter, so there is probably enough space
- Jim also suggests shifting the hut so that one face is parallel to the beamline, and the open side is opposite the beamline. This will probably also make the cable runs more uniform.
- We wonder if the APV->MPD cable run will be too long after accounting for the rotation and insertion/retraction mechanism. We'll need to revisit this once we have a better idea how much slack is needed for that.
- There has been some suggestion about using an HDMI booster or converter to allow the APV/MPD distance to be longer. Jim had posted this to the chat from
- HDMI Repeaters: If your run is under 50 feet, depending on the device, you might still benefit from some type of signal booster or repeater. An HDMI repeater is used to connect two cables, then amplifies the signal to provide that final "oomph" it needs to transmit clearly.
- HDMI Equalizers: If your run is over 50 feet, you most definitely will require some type of amplifier. You can use an HDMI repeater to join two cables together, or FireFold offers a 75ft HDMI cable and a 100ft HDMI cable with built-in equalizers. These equalizers amplify the signal at the display end to ensure the output signal is as strong as the input signal.
- HDBaseT HDMI Extender: If you are looking at running your HDMI more than 100 feet, we suggest investing in an HDBaseT system. HDBaseT uses a standard CAT5 or CAT6 Ethernet cable to carry the HDMI signal longer distances without losing signal integrity. If you are planning on incorporating some type of splitter or switch into the mix, you will most definitely benefit from HDBaseT, as repeaters and equalizers typically interfere with splitters and switches, making long runs impossible. Luckily there are quite a few splitters and switches on the market today that have built-in HDBaseT that allows you to install those more complicated setups. An HDBaseT setup will require both a transmitter and a receiver, with an Ethernet cable in between, so be sure you're purchasing both. Some HDBaseT units are built into wall plates, allowing you to maintain a professional, finished look to your setup. As you can see, long HDMI runs can be a bit tricky. But with a little research, you'll find there are many options available. As always, those of us at FireFold are ready to help offer solutions!
- There has been some suggestion about using an HDMI booster or converter to allow the APV/MPD distance to be longer. Jim had posted this to the chat from
- Test-stand planning
- Bob plans to expand the TEDF test stand into the adjacent cubical. This would be for testing of both integrating and counting DAQs and component checkout
- I mention that Dustin may have two MPD modules that we could borrow to set up a GEM readout chain test
- Otherwise, we should get and stay involved in the SBS/Compton/SOLID tests