Analysis Mtg 241212

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  3:30pm Eastern
 Location at JLab:  CC F326-327
 Zoom connection information is sent out to the moller_analysis mailing list.  Please subscribe if you are interested.


  • Updates
  • General discussion
    • We will not have a meeting in the next three weeks, 19 December - 2 January. The next meeting will be 9 January.


Participants: O. Hansen, P. King, C. Ghosh, P. Gautam, S. Chatterjee, S. Regmi, J. Shirk, J. Tsakanikas, D. Spayde, D. McNulty, S. Bhattarai, K. Paschke, Z. Demiroglu

  • The counting analysis subgroup has met a few times, but doesn't have a specific report today
    • Chandan reports a discussion with David that we won't include the optics analysis directly in the analyzer but will do it from the root files
    • Chandan is working on a few detector classes appropriate for the MOLLER detectors
  • Ole had pulled in Ryan's ET class into Podd. There were some compilation issues on MacOS that he resolved, and he made a few C to C++ conversion changes too.
    • He doesn't have a test system with ET; perhaps we can use either the W&M DAQ or the pion detector DAQ to test the ET connection to Podd
    • Ryan will work on bringing Ole's changes to the ET classes back into the versions we have in japan-MOLLER
  • Joachim doesn't have any update for the correlated detector work for this week
  • Danielle asks if we have a set of simple walkthrough type exercises
    • The simple answer is that we don't really have that yet, although Paul thinks we had some workshop recording from PREX-2 and CREX
    • Danielle and Paul will have a side discussion to start to develop a sort of onboarding walkthrough
  • Danielle also asks about the difference between "japan" and "japan-MOLLER"
    • japan-MOLLER has support for the MOLLER integrating ADCs, and also has support for CODA3
    • The original japan configuration files should be compatible with japan-MOLLER
    • Some of the MacOS fixes that have gone in to japan-MOLLER would be needed to compile the original japan on MacOS
    • Paul vaguely recalls that we'd had issues getting the
      • Ole says that the Centos7 standard compiler barely supports C++11, and more recent ROOT versions require C++17 or later
  • Danielle asks what OS would be recommended for a new system; JLab now uses Alma9 for the servers
    • Dustin asks about the ROC OS; right now the DAQ group installation tools use Centos7. Ole says that Alexandre was going to ask them if it would make sense to switch to a newer version.