Analysis Mtg 241114
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 3:30pm Eastern Location at JLab: CC F326-327 Zoom connection information is sent out to the moller_analysis mailing list. Please subscribe if you are interested.
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Participants: O. Hansen, P. King, J. Tsakanikas, S. Bhattarai, S. Regmi, A. Hurley, D. Armstrong, R. Conaway, Z. Demiroglu, C. Ghosh, D. Spayde, J. Shirk, J. Mott, P. Gautam
- Joachim does not have an update on the work with the detector correlations
- David, Chandan, and Sayak, with James on Zoom, will be meeting tomorrow at 2pm to discuss tracking mode software. David will also reach out to Arindam and Zhongling
- Chandan has been busy with ECAL work, but will be able to start picking up MOLLER work again now
- Chandan says that the FADC and GEM decoding routines should be ready, but the next stages will be to use those to develop the quartz, scintillator, and tracking work.
- Chandan also points out that we'll need the optics models
- Paul will be talking with Sayak tomorrow morning about getting started with japan-MOLLER
- David asks about what sort of online monitoring thoughts we have had
- We have had some thoughts for integrating mode, largely just to parallel the developments we had in PREX/CREX, but will need to think about what sorts of plots/calculations are interesting and useful for the main detectors
- We should reach out to the simulation group to see what sorts of plots/combinations we should start to develop
- David will be reaching out to the counting mode hardware groups to see what sort of diagnostic plots they would find useful
- We have had some thoughts for integrating mode, largely just to parallel the developments we had in PREX/CREX, but will need to think about what sorts of plots/calculations are interesting and useful for the main detectors
- Ole will try to look at merging the ET support classes that Ryan had written into Podd.
- He'll do the merge of the PR in Podd, and then we can try it by setting up an ET system with either the Test Lab pion detector test stand, or maybe the W&M test stand