Analysis Mtg 241024

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  3:30pm Eastern
 Location at JLab:  CC F326-327
 Zoom connection information is sent out to the moller_analysis mailing list.  Please subscribe if you are interested.


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  • General discussion


Participants: S. Chatterjee, P. king, R. Conaway, A. Hurley, J. Tsakanikas, Z. Demiroglu, J. Mott, C. Ghosh, J. Shirk, J. Datta, K. Paschke, B. Udwaraarchchi

  • Updates on the counting analysis
    • Chandan had gotten requests from Sayak and from James about getting set up with the analyzer.
    • Sayak is starting to understand the data structure
    • James is also starting to
  • Sayak has gotten a copy of japan-MOLLER set up and will reach out to Paul about things to try next
    • Right now he has it set up on his local machine, but we can also set up on the ifarm
  • Jon is working through some examples of injector analysis scripts that he had gotten from Caryn
    • Kent thinks that it might be mid-November (or later) for when the injector studies might be happening.
    • Kent thinks the objective is eventually to have the online panguin to be able to give OPS information as they are tuning beam during beam studies
  • Kent has had some funny issues while compiling on his Mac; the generator can create the data file but the analyzer can't find it. James is also compiling on a Mac and hasn't had a problem
  • Regarding being able to look at the root outputs and scripts we used in PREX/CREX, Paul will look for the path for the PREX/CREX root files and put them on the agenda, or add a summary page linked off of the analysis wiki page
    • The CREX root files available on the farm machines with the MSS stub files at: /mss/halla/parity/rootfiles/pass1/crex_respin2. Use "jcache get <stubpath>" to get them from tape, after which they will be at /cache/halla/parity/rootfiles/pass1/crex_respin2/.
    • The CREX respin2 output plots can be found on slug pages listed at the bottom of, or listed by run in
    • Most of the processing scripts used in PREX/CREX ought to still be present in the japan-MOLLER distribution, or can be accessed from a clone of the original japan repo.