Analysis Mtg 240513

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Meeting information


  • Updates
  • General discussion
    • No meeting on May 20 due to collaboration meeting, and no meeting on May 27 due to holiday


Participants: O. Hansen, K. Paschke, P King, B. Uduwaraarachchi, A. Sen, E. King, M. Gericke, O. Hansen, P. Gautam, R. Conaway, W. Deconinck

  • MacOS branch should be ready for testing
  • Buddhika: starting to work on detector visualization
    • One of the possible plots that he shows is showing a difference from expected
      • Kent asks to think about how to show the differences to represent failures of a particular channel in a way that doesn't hide the details of other channels too much
    • Juliette asks about incorporating python in our analysis chain
  • Discussion of the naming of the rings and modules
    • Michael says that there is an existing naming scheme in the remoll for the different tiles
    • Instead of "a/b/c", the ring 5 tiles should be "left", "center", "right", with the "left" being on the negative phi side.
    • Do we want to keep the "front flush"/"back flush" designation in the analysis?
  • Some discussion in the chat about the visualization and plotting thin
    • Wouter
      • you could also plot KS-test p-values since you care about differences which consider statistical power of both current and reference.
    • Wouter
    • Juliette
      • we used the histograms produced from Japan-MOLLER
  • Discussion of panguin
    • Juliette asks if panguin can directly plot the histograms
      • Ole says that just using the histogram in the panguin config should work, but he will check if it supports histograms in directories.
    • The histogram support might be in the "Jefferson Lab/panguin" repository. I will look at removing the existing panguin in japan-MOLLER and linking to the independent repo
  • Counting mode
    • This will be in an independent repo, built on the Hall A analyzer and using some classes for SBS for example
  • Discussion of detector signal levels
    • Kent will get a list of rates for the different tiles to Juliette, then she will coordinate with me to enter them into the mock data parameter file