Analysis Mtg 240429

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Meeting information


  • Updates
  • General discussion


Participants: R. Conaway, P. King, J. Mammei, A. Sen, W. Deconinck, E. King, P. Gautam

  • Ryan shows his current draft of the guide to the root files. We will get this linked to github and to the agenda soon
    • Wouter suggests that the document should actually be made as a markdown file within the github repo
    • Ryan will circulate the current version via the email list after the meeting
  • Wouter brings up the question of having japan-MOLLER as a fork of japan: if people have exisiting forks of japan, they cannot make a new fork of japan-MOLLER. By breaking the fork relationship between japan and japan-MOLLER, people could then make new forks for further development.
  • For development workflow, we do prefer having people working within forks, so breaking the fork relationship is useful.
  • Wouter raises the question of removing (or reducing) the boost dependency in favor of the C++ std libraries
    • Most of the boost libraries (with the exception of program_options) we use have been incorporated within the newer C++ standards, so the boost libraries are no longer under active development. So transitioning to the std libraries should be more robust.
    • Wouter suggests choosing C++17 or maybe even C++20 as the minimal standard. Wouter points out that ROOT 6.30 requires C++17, for example.
  • Prakash has done some investigation of the RNTuple [1]
    • See
    • With a simple example code, Prakash has found an rntuple is substantially smaller than the corresponding TTree.
    • Prakash had some communication with a ROOT developer: RNTuple might be in production root version in late 24 or early 25
  • There will be a presentation about "Data Preservation recommendation presentation from Jlab perspective" at the MOLLER simulation meeting tomorrow at 10am.