Simulation Meeting September 12 2019 1030AM ET
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Simulation Task List Updated 2019
- Simulation tasks (new) File:MOLLER Tasks List v8 Sim.doc
- Simulation tasks Task List by Dustin
- Simulation tasks Task List by Rakitha
- Main detector simulation tasks Task List by Michael
- Follow up on Geometry updates from CAD design
- Simulation task updates: What needs to be done in immediate future
- Simulation software updates:
Attendance: Rakitha, Sakib, Wouter, Michael, Dustin, Chandan,
- Beampipe updates by Sakbi
- Showed detector area photon background above 1 MeV from different beam pipe configuration. Mostly coming from beam-pipe with no Helium designed by Dave at spectrometer engineering group at JLab
- Slit scattering in col-1 and stray field effect in the beam pipe.
- Using Tungsten beam pipe reduce the background by a factor of 30
- Need to improve magnetic shielding
- What's the Moller and ep signal in the same units as shown for photon background? Sakib will get back with numbers so we can compare background to signal
- In vacuum only design we need the tungsten shielding around collimators but with helium gas, we will need a beam pipe
- We have to discuss use for He to save money vs increase in the background and then find ways to reduce that background
- Software updates by Wouter
- Updated envelope into the develop branch and other features to develop branch
- New release 2.0.0 with most recent geometry updates
- Go over the to-do list in the git repository and find what needs to be done and update the list
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