Simulation Meeting July 23 2020 10AM ET

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Simulation Task List Updated 2019


  1. Light guide light generation - Cameron
  2. Geometry updates - Chandan, Sakib
  3. AOB


Rakitha, David Kashy, Cameron Clarke, Sakib, Chandan Ghosh, David Flay, Krishna Kumar, Michael Gericke, Juliette Mammei, Jim Fast, Jim fast, Kent Paschke, Dustin McNulty,


  • Light Guide Update, Cameron: the reason for less PE, lower reflectivity, and some optics parameters were default values from G4.
    • Dustin's Qsim has more accurate numbers. The code is located in the Idaho server. Can we upload this to JLab?
    • QSim from ISU is more acurate simulation [git]
    • Cameron can use the SBU cluster for large stat simulations.
    • Michael G: Use the sigma model to adjust reflectivity Cameron will followup with Micheal.
  • Geometry: Probir, simulation, and engineering coordinate system confusions. Move everything to the hall coordinate system. So all different software and models will have use (JT, CAD, G4, FLUKA etc.)
    • JT files target is the center and DS of target numbers are negative.
    • KK, Chandan, Cameron, and David K went of the geometry in different systems. Except for coordinate system issues and envelope overlap with coils, there are no major issues
  • Geometry update Juliette, Sakib: Shield for positrons on the coil Sakib has implemented a Tungsten shielding as discussed last week.
    • Juliette showed slides from the spectrometer meeting on epoxy update. Hot spots on the US coil mainly due to positrons where they hit sides of the coils. Tungsten shielding for the slides of the coils.
    • There is also a positron hot spot for DS coil and these e+ comes from the beam center and fringe field interaction causing this.
    • We will first systematically address this issue in simulation and then work with engineers.

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