Digital BCM Meeting, 2021 January 07
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 2:00pm Eastern BlueJeans calling instructions: Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 888-240-2560 Other BlueJeans access phone numbers are listed at Bluejeans CODE: 641 252 323 Bluejeans link:
- Control signal inputs: integrate gate or "start of integration"?
- Possible readout ideas
- Each unit as stand-alone ROC similar to integrating ADCs
- Units are read by a computer with TI-pcie running a PC-ROC
- Units communicate with a VXS module (such as SSP) in a VXS-ROC
- Data structure; what is reported?
- Integrating ADCs plan to have: sum over window, sum of squares (to calculate RMS within window), minimum sample value, maximum sample value; full window and four sub-blocks. Integrating ADCs would also have a waveform mode.
- General discussion
- LBL BCM data structure
Attendees: Paul, Bob, Yuan, Yury, Ernst, Shujie
- Experiment requirements:
- BCM info to integrating mode and counting mode DAQ
- BPM info at low current (100 pA) for counting mode
- Proposed setup:
- Integrate the BCM/server system to main CODA
- Ideally, the FPGA on BCM will process the raw cavity signal (output at ~2kHz) and communicate with CODA (TODO: check with Bryan from DAQ group if both the ROC and TI can be implemented in the FPGA, or do we need a Unix shell for the ROC ) so that we can drop the server to increase system stability.
- Helicity window signal (500us on, 10us off) to BCM.
- is the helicity signal in sync with 10MHz clock? (very likely yes)
- how to define the rising edge of helicity window (~50ns ??)
- need to sync the helicity with BCM input signal. Use the LED delta signal to check sync?