IntegrationDaq 250220

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  11:00am Eastern
 Location at JLab:  CC F226 Only on Zoom
 Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.


  • Activity updates
  • General discussion


Recording at zoomgov:

Participants: W. Gu, B. Moffit, S. Malace, P. King, B. Blaikie, C. Cuevas, S. Regmi, Z. Ji, J. Pan, R. Conaway, H. Liu, D. Bishop, A. Sen

  • Daryl
    • He thinks that Michael should be receiving two of the boards back from the company soon. The other six needed to be sent to China to have the connectors changed.
    • Daryl is transitioning someone else at TRIUMF to work on finishing the firmware
  • Michael
    • He has had some contact with Bryerton in the past few days
    • Michael has identified the firmware modules that do the integration mode acquisition, but switching between the streaming mode and integrating mode is not currently available.
    • Michael is meeting with Bryerton later today
    • Michael reports that the integration mode firmware is also in the rev1 code, but also not turned on. He will follow up with Bryan after his discussion with Bryerton; probably next week
  • Bryan
    • He's gotten the ADCs booting up in the JLab OS. David Abbot is recompiling the CODA libraries, and then Bryan will test the ROC he had before
    • Then he'd test getting the trigger from the TI
    • This is all pieces of work that he's done, and he is now combining it all to run on the ADC board directly
  • Chris reports that Armen and Dustin had met up and were able to install Dusting rev1 board into a chassis
  • Paul
    • We want to set up a helicity gen and decoder in the Test Lab DAQ. Bryan points out that the helicity decoder actually has an optional generator within it, for doing testing, so we could do it just with the decoder board
  • Chris
    • There is now a crates-worth of the FADCv3 boards that are ready for Chris will bring to Simona. These won't have the VTP triggering capability, but can be readout using other trigger source.
  • Simona
    • She will be giving a tour of the test lab during the Director Review, and asked for a brief description of what we plan to do with the integration daq test stand there