CountingDaq 240927

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  1:00pm Eastern
  Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.


  • Activity updates
  • General discussion


Recording on Zoom:

Participants: B. Moffit, A. Sen, S. Malace, P. King, M. Gericke, R. Michaels, Jaydeep, D. Armstrong, R. Conawy, B. Blaikie, Z. Ji, S. Regmi, S. Chatterjee, C. Ghosh, H. Liu, P. Souder, D. McNulty, R. Fair

  • Status of the W&M DAQ set up
    • We have the server largely set up but have been having issues with the networking
    • We would be starting with the same VTP firmware and ROL as Simona has been using in the TEDF set up. This is a simple multiplicity trigger, so to trigger on just one scintillator pair we'd need to just set a high threshold on the other scintillators
    • There are two scintillator paddles at W&M that can be used as a trigger test
    • There are a ring 5 and ring 6 detectors at W&M which could also be used for testing sooner
    • When will we want to have the more complicated trigger system to trigger on each of the four scintillator pairs.
      • Michael is shipping the first set of detector modules to W&M now
      • At W&M, the modules get attached to the segment plate, the PMTs are added, and the quartz is added. The first segment may be ready for testing in the first week or two of October
  • JLab test stands
    • The Test Lab space has been reconfigured. Simona, Arindam, Paul, and Dustin will go look at it after this meeting
    • Simona has the rack for the ESB test stand, but will need to get one of the SOLID VXS crates and the CPU, TI, etc.
  • Discussing project issues
    • Do we think the VTP-GEM firmware used by us will be different that what is being used by SBS?
      • Chandan will be able to move back into the GEM test space when LAD moves out; this is probably in 2 months or so
      • Are these tests needed to show that the basic VTP-GEM functionality works, or would his tests be more in the line of testing full-scale readout