Tracking Meeting Dec 17 2024 4:30PM ET

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Zoom link: Please contact David Armstrong for meeting coordinates, or check with the MOLLER meeting calendar.


  • (Rakitha) - TS prototype results
  • (Nilanga, Huong) - UVa GEMs
  • (Jaydeep) - SBU GEMs
  • (Asar, Chandan) - Track reconstruction code/GEM cosmic testing at JLab
  • (Chandika) - GEM Rotator


Rakitha, Lasitha, David, Carl, Chandan, Asar, Chandika, James, Huong, brynna


  1. (Rakitha) Have finished assembly of first production TS. Note that the previous prototype did not use the production WLS fibres (not same kind, and not long enough for use in the experiment). Starting data-taking, but CODA crashes have prevented good statistics. However, light leaks seem to be much less than the prototype (fewer pieces used to wrap the module, improved corners on 3D printed part). Initial results indicate time resolution is improved over prototype. Expect to take long runs this week. Assuming results appear acceptable, plan on Technical Board presentation in January to get approval to go ahead with full procurement. Can then ship the module to W&M for test-fitting.
  2. (James, brynna) The GEM frames and honeycombs have now been shipped from CERN, expected by this Friday; however, it now seems as if CERN will not be able to ship us the readout boards until mid-January.
  3. (Huong) UVa has fully working SRS-based and MPD-based DAQs for GEM testing. Like SBU, still waiting for readout boards from CERN before one could start assembly of production module 3. However, need to swap assembly configuration over to the five large GEMs needed for PRAD (that experiment runs before MOLLER). Would not be able to return the lab to MOLLER GEM assembly until mid-June. Is that OK? Carl will check the timeline/schedule and confer with Nilanga to confirm. Also, Huong notes that their group is starting on some R&D of an alternative gas mixture using isobutane instead of CO2 as the quencher. Seems to provide more stable GEM performance. Some discussion ensued; SBU has some experience with AR/isobutane + 3rd gas in sPHENIX-TPC. The standard "magic gas" mixture was often used for MWPCs (75% Ar, 24.5% isobutane 0.5% freon). Of course isobutane is flammable, so there are safety implications. We will watch the R&D work with interest.
  4. (David, Asar) Can we move the 2nd production UVa module to JLab to add to the cosmic stand (along with the UVa 1st production module, plus the UVa prototype?). This would enable us to get good cosmic data to exercise the software, and get position resolution information (David is eager to get this). However, at present two of the slots are at present occupied by LAD GEMs. These will be moving out in January to get installed in Hall C, at which time Asar can get GEM number 2 from UVa.
  5. (David) Next meeting of this group: January 14 2025.