CountingDaq 241025
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 1:00pm Eastern Zoom connection information is sent out by email; please reach out to Paul if you don't have the current link.
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Recording on Zoom:
Participants: B. Moffit, P. King, P. Souder, S. Malace, B. Blaikie, S. Chatterjee, R. Conaway, D. Armstrong, Z. Ji, S. Regmi, H. Liu, C. Ghosh, D. McNulty
- Status of W&M daq
- We have gotten the single-crate ROL to work, but have been having problems when we try to use a TI-triggered ROL. It seems that the issue might be an address conflict. We think there's a specific module that is causing an issue. Bryan says he'd be able to help if pulling that module out doesn't resolve our problem.
- Brynne thinks that the assembly of the thin quartz at W&M is a week or so off, so the daq delays aren't quite pushing the rest of the schedule
- Brynne will also be trying to set up the integrating ADC at the W&M test stand next week.
- JLab test stands
- Test Lab
- Simona and Hanjie will meet on Monday to set up the VTP in the Test Lab test stand
- Simona and Zhongling will then meet to discuss the next step for the Test Lab daq
- Next week, Simona expects that the scini
- Simona and Steve Wood will work this afternoon to get CODA setup on the ESB system
- Test Lab
- Chandan does not have an update on the GEM VTP readout
- Dustin had heard that we might be getting kicked out of our Test Lab space; Simona had already talked with Mark J. and Walt A. about this and said that we've spent a lot of effort getting our systems set up there, and would need to redo it if we were to move. They are working to figure out a solution in which we don't have to move our systems.
- After this meeting, Paul will be contacting the computer center to set up a "moller-onl" account to be used for our VXS CPUs and other DAQ front-end systems.