CountingDaq 240816

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Revision as of 19:53, 16 August 2024 by Rom (Talk | contribs)

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Attending: Bob Michaels, Arindam Sen, Bryan Moffit, Chandan Ghosh, Chris Cuevas, David Armstrong, Dustin McNulty, Ryan Conway, Zhongling Ji, Paul Souder, and Simona Malace. And a few others I did not record (sorry).

We went around to all the attendees and asked what they were doing, then we had a presentation from Simona.

Arindam Sen -- learning the analyzer, learning about the electronics modules in the DAQ, preparing to support the DAQ at W&M.

Chandan Ghosh -- Working on the counting mode DAQ, found some possibly unaccounted-for channels in the DAQ (for scinillators), will talk to Paul King about it. Working on decoder and the analyzer in Podd for W&M tests.

Chris Cuevas -- received from Daryl Bishop the files for the final integrating ADC; Chris and Armen will order the chassis soon. Technically this belongs in the Integrating DAQ, but it was an interesting bit of information. Chris is also looking into the fiber runs.

David Armstrong -- preparing for the detector tests at W&M. Setting up the high bay at W&M.

Dustin McNulty -- building the shower max detectors. Needs space to store them at JLab. Some students (I think two students) are coming to JLab in the early Fall, will bring some equipment and DAQ elements for further testing. Needs space for the testing, as well as storage. We'll need to look into the space needs.

Ryan Conway -- preparing to bring Ohio server to W&M if the new one does not arrive in time.

Zhongling Ji -- Working with Arindam and Kate to decode pion detector data and to learn from Simona. Finished some tasks given by Simona for the counting DAQ and pion detector tests. On a separate project, he's working with Hanjie Liu on the MOLLER polarimeter DAQ, writing some firmware for the FPGA for triggers.

Simona Malace -- gave an update with a few slides showing her work on the single-PE triggered cosmics data for the pion detector. These data are much needed to make decisions about purchasing the detector elements. Her log entry


She showed some data with the "wrong geometry" and will now repeat with the "correct geometry". I'm not implying any mistakes, the "wrong geometry" was a higher rate setup to get rapid testing of her initial setup.