Analysis Mtg 240219

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Meeting information


  • General discussion


Participants: A. Sen, O. Hansen, K. Paschke, P. King

  • Ole would like to import the commit history from QwAnalysis into japan-MOLLER, to have the full development history available. When this happens, it would mean that all of the commit hashes would change and everyone with a clone would need to re-clone
  • At the software review a few weeks ago, it was noted that MOLLER should be thinking about the counting-mode analysis.
    • Ole suggests starting a new repository for counting-mode analysis. He wouldn't suggest doing a direct fork of SBS-offline, since there's a bunch of stuff
    • In SBS, all of the tracking code assumes the tracks are perfectly straight. Ole recalls someone having mentioned that the MOLLER tracks may not be quite straight. We should follow up with David A. or Rakitha about this. If MOLLER tracks have a curvature, then the SBS track reconstruction would not be appropriate.
      • Kent says that the tracks should all be straight, but we may be interested in tracks with "unusual" angles that could come from scattering not directly at the target.
    • Ole thinks that the GEM clustering in the SBS code should be able to be directly imported. This was largely Andrew P.'s work
    • Arindam comments that he had worked on the GEMs used for the CBM experiment at GSI: they expected rates of ~1MHz/cm^2
    • We should follow up with David about the expected occupancies in the GEMs
  • Talking about simulation and the mock-data
    • We should talk with the simulation group about digitization and reconstruction of the event-mode simulation data through the counting mode analysis
      • We could perhaps reach out to Chandan about this, maybe Arindam could get involved in this too.
    • Kent points out that most of the effort in the simulation so far has been focused on understanding the elastic tracks, and not much has been done looking at tracks from other processes/sources
    • Ole mentions that SBS has a digitization framework to take GEANT results to feed into the analyzer. That likely can be adapted for MOLLER pretty smoothly.