Simulation Meeting February 20 2024 10AM ET
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Agenda for Today
- sieve and blocker collimators in GEANT4: Kate Evans and David [1]
- comparison of JT and remoll develop branch: Juliette
- Implementation of Custom Rotation order in remoll GDML[2]: Prakash
Running Agenda
- Halo background study using beam generator
- Hyperon study
- Ferrous studies
- Berillium generator and vacuum window studies: almost finalized
- ep elastic background study to compare soft and hard scattering: Not yet started
- Should blocker and sieve keep just shifted in x in simulation or rotated as in actual design?
- As long as both of these sitting in the shadow of collar1
- Kate will get actual parked position for these collimators and implement in GDML for develop version
- Comparison of remoll geometry of JT files
- Will produce version controlled PDF with locations of critical components listed: Juliette
- GDML implementation for rotation order using new GDML tag
- Initial results for rotation fixed shown