Simulation Meeting January 30 2024 10AM ET
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Agenda for Today
- lmenite as an alternative to barite concrete: Zuhal
Running Agenda
- Halo background study using beam generator
- Hyperon study
- Ferrous studies
- Berillium generator and vacuum window studies: almost finalized
- ep elastic background study to compare soft and hard scattering: Not yet started
- Current ferromagnetic study: alcove to beam dump area backscatter from ferrous materials
- Investigating rad shielding concrete alternatives. Simulate and compare with barite. Typically they carry some iron (ferromagnetic or not). For example ilmenite concrete alternative to barrite concrete
- Fluka study followup: The Dose asymmetry seen due to dump appear to come from Aluminum diffuser
- One suggestion is to propose some shielding (regular concrete?) under the beam pipe to block some radiation
- In remoll we do have three concrete blocks to shield beam dump iron chambers and we need to add these to FLUKA geometry
- Change the collar 1 and 2 volumes in remoll to reflect the actual lead alloy