Wednesday, March 13, 2019 2pm ET

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  1. Collaboration meeting prep
    1. Audience is the CAMs
    2. Who should talk
    3. What should be covered
  2. Director's Review Prep - Costing
    1. Physicist perspective
    2. Feedback from MIT
      1. DS vacuum chamber - eng+design ($500k)
      2. DS torus design ($600k)
      3. DS strongbacks ($600k labor, $600k materials)
      4. US design+mat ($800k)
      5. US vacuum chamber ($600k)


Attendance: Juliette, Ruben, Probir, Robin, Dave, Sandesh, Jim,

  1. Collaboration meeting prep
    1. Audience is the CAMs
    2. Who should talk
      1. Juliette - primarily the physics
    3. What should be covered
      1. Howard says CAM should be there
      2. overview of the science part
      3. Let everybody know that we have been meeting regularly
      4. overview of the physics and what knobs we need
      5. What would we need to do during the experiment?
      6. specification sheet - this is what we need from engineering
      7. studies completed
        1. Vacuum vs. He
        2. Segmented
        3. Dose tolerances ?
        4. Stray Fields
  2. Director's Review Prep - Costing
    1. Physicist perspective
    2. Feedback from MIT
      1. DS vacuum chamber - eng+design ($500k)
      2. DS torus design ($600k)
      3. DS strongbacks ($600k labor, $600k materials)
      4. US design+mat ($800k)
      5. US vacuum chamber ($600k)

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