Wednesday, March 13, 2019 2pm ET
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BlueJeans calling instructions: Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 888-240-2560 International toll number: 408-740-7256 Bluejeans CODE: 734 609 7559 Bluejeans link:
- Collaboration meeting prep
- Audience is the CAMs
- Who should talk
- What should be covered
- Director's Review Prep - Costing
- Physicist perspective
- Feedback from MIT
- DS vacuum chamber - eng+design ($500k)
- DS torus design ($600k)
- DS strongbacks ($600k labor, $600k materials)
- US design+mat ($800k)
- US vacuum chamber ($600k)
Attendance: Juliette, Ruben, Probir, Robin, Dave
- Collaboration meeting prep
- Audience is the CAMs
- Who should talk
- What should be covered
- Director's Review Prep - Costing
- Physicist perspective
- Feedback from MIT
- DS vacuum chamber - eng+design ($500k)
- DS torus design ($600k)
- DS strongbacks ($600k labor, $600k materials)
- US design+mat ($800k)
- US vacuum chamber ($600k)
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