December 22, 2021

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Meeting Information

GEM @ Stonybrook Meeting
Wednesday December 22, 2021
3:30 pm, ET
Meeting Zoom link:

Project background

  1. Klaus' slides on the Moller GEM is to be added here for reference.
  2. Stonybrook is assigned to construct 12 out of the 28 layers of GEM trackers for the Moller experiment
  3. Two prototype trackers to be constructed by late 2022. GEM material (three rectangular sheets) will arrive SBU in early March; frames will arrive later


  1. Cleaning progress on the cleaning room
  2. Clean room delivery and setup
  3. Other next step items
    1. Stand-alone simulation?
    2. DAQ Setup, do we have a computer for this?
    3. Parsing the GMn Gem data?

Task list

  1. Sub-tasks (required volunteers, or will be assigned):
    • Preparation stage:
    1. Clearing out a perimeter in the basement lab (Bill, Vassu, Weibing).
    2. setting up the cleanroom. (Klaus, Bill and others)
    3. Setting up the latest JLAb DAQ system: CODA, and configure it to be used for calibrating the prototype GEM trackers (Bill)
    4. Looking at parsing BigBite data to understand the expected performance.
    5. Simulation to get expected GEM response? (Not a priority right now)
    6. Communicate with machine shop to make a stand for hosting the manufactured prototype based on the CAD drawing (Bill)
    • Manufacturing stage:
    1. Manufacturing/stretching GEM sheet and mount to bracket (with glue) inside the cleanroom (Klaus and Prakhar)
    • Calibration stage:
    1. Operating X-ray gun in in grid and mapping out the efficiency and gain in each sector of the GEM response: efficiency, uniformity, gain, etc (Bill & others)