Monday, August 2, 2021 2pm ET
From Moller Wiki
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- General updates
- Engineering Update
- Physics Update
- Task list/priorities
Attendance: Jay, Ruben, Chandan, Kent, Naz, Randy, Roger, Dave K, Dave K, Sandesh, Juliette, KK, Probir, Sakib
- General Updates
- Engineering Update
- Downstream Torus work moving nicely
- Interface control documents (important for upcoming reviews)
- Envelopes in CAD
- narrower toward downstream end
- working on cleaning up the CAD for new JT files
- need z and inner r locations of GEM detectors (and range)
- Physics Update
- Envelopes prepared - ep, ee given to end of the Hall, as well as IPE and OPE
- looking into innards of collimators lintels, etc.
- mechanical support structure, then enclosures (Zuhal and Cip)
- vacuum sims ongoing (no keep-out vacuum on either side of Paschen min)
- need inputs for collimator design (Dave and Chandan)
- Upstream Torus dose studies ongoing - down to about 80 MGy; some things still to try
- Engineering Update
- Task list/priorities
- Need to close out as many prior recommendations as possible
- Director's (Annual?) Review Late Sept.
- prep in August
- early Sept. prep website, freeze data for review
- DOE OPA/ONP Review November 2-5
- Respond to DR comments and recommendations
- Juliette will meet with Ruben this week
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