IntegrationDaq 210716
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Meeting information
Meeting time: 3:30pm Eastern BlueJeans calling instructions: Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 888-240-2560 Other BlueJeans access phone numbers are listed at Bluejeans CODE: 641 252 323 Bluejeans link:
- Progress on prototype
- Discussion on trigger/event timing
- We plan to run MOLLER with a 10us "spin flip" period. The beam travel time from injector to the hall is ~20us, so a new helicity integration window starts in the injector while the old integration window in the hall is finishing.
- How best to coordinate starting the integration and building events? We had discussed having the time shift done in the TI connection.
- Should INJ and hall readout be coupled or independent (baseline design concept has them coupled)?
- We plan to run MOLLER with a 10us "spin flip" period. The beam travel time from injector to the hall is ~20us, so a new helicity integration window starts in the injector while the old integration window in the hall is finishing.
- Signal cable and signal level adaptation
- For the BPM signals (up to 5V, single-ended signals on coax), what I recall discussing was that we would have an option to short one side of the twin-ax cable, and could also use attenuation to get the signals within the range accepted by the ADC
- We'd also need some sort of cable adaptation to go from the coax to the twinax
- Should we think about doing this as some sort of panel to which we connect both cables, or should we think about doing it with a cable that has a twin-ax connector on one side and a BNC on the other?
- Activity updates
- General discussion
Recording on [1]
Participants: Robert Michaels, Paul King, Bryan Moffit, Chris Cuevas, Michael Gericke, William Gu, Brynne Blaikie, Daryl Bishop, Jim Fast