IntegrationDaq 210702

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Back to Main Page >> Data Acquisition Meetings >> Integrating mode DAQ meetings

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Meeting information

 Meeting time:  3:30pm Eastern
 BlueJeans calling instructions:
 Toll-Free Number (U.S.&  Canada):  888-240-2560
 Other BlueJeans access phone numbers are listed at
 Bluejeans CODE:                    641 252 323
 Bluejeans link:


  • Activity updates
  • General discussion


Recording on [1]

Participants: P. King, B. Moffit, R. Radloff, C. Cuevas, J. Pan, D. Bishop, B. Shaw, M. Gericke, B. Blaikie, W. Gu

  • Activity updates
    • Daryl expects to finish the layout in about a week. He's had to redo the schematic and layout for the components that have been available. He'd sent the preliminary schematic out. When he finishes the layout, he will share the design files with Chris for a second look that there aren't any things that should be changed before producing the prototypes.
      • Michael wants to have the prototypes for the fall run at Mainz.
      • The more formal review will likely be in the fall
    • Michael has ordered enough of the chips for the prototype boards, and has received many of them already
    • Daryl mentions that the "Ethernet1" port on the board is capable of taking power over ethernet. We could consider that as the way we distribute power to the modules. Note added later: we intend that the main Ethernet connection would be over the fiber connection.
    • Michael brings up a comment on the ground connection for the twin-ax from the grounding meeting
      • Daryl says that his intention had been to make it possible to have it connected to the ADC ground, or disconnected. He'll check to see if that option is in the current design
      • The suggestion from the grounding meeting was to have a bleeder resistor between the twin-ax ground shield and the ADC ground. Daryl agrees that is a good idea.
    • Brynne has started on doing ADC linearity and gain tests with the 2-channel prototype
    • Jie is continuing bench tests with the base design
    • Paul has been working on getting test stand components
      • Plans would be to use a TI with the prototype to get a simple CODA system before the 90% review
    • Breyerton expects to start working with the TI soon. He had been able to get a build with the TI firmware that had been sent. They now have the TI and the interconnect cable