Simulation Meeting June 10 2021 2PM ET

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  1. Caryn - bellows gasket dose [1]
  2. Collimator 1&2 region shielding update - Zuhal [2]



  1. bellows gasket dose: Caryn
    1. Belllow and gaskets material: gasket copper or what other material Viton?
    2. Looked at tracks hitting the front face of bellows
    3. Then ran standalone simulation to check how energy is deposited on Viton
    4. Dose seems to be below limits but Caryn will check azimuthal dependence for hot spots and then simulate with asymmetric field
  2. Collimator 1/2 region shielding update: Zuhal
    1. Looking at different configurations and estimate NIEL dose

bluejeans information

Meeting ID 635010453

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