Monday, May 17, 2021 2pm ET
From Moller Wiki
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- Priority questions
- Stainless steel supports for the upstream torus - TOSCA sims (Juliette)
- Bellows seals - o-rings? - part of ferrous material study
- Updates (if progress made)
- Engineering
- Physics
- Vacuum Level Studies Plan - Sakib [1]
- * Priority questions
- Stainless steel supports for the upstream torus - TOSCA sims (Juliette)
- Bellows seals - o-rings? - part of ferrous material study
- prefer elastomer seal (o-ring)
- need to know if metal seals needed, particularly for bellows 4, 5, 6
- 60% design review in July
- also helical flex (but iron)
- bellows 7 - flux from beam dump? (but Dave less concerned with this one)
- Updates (if progress made)
- Engineering
- Physics
- Vacuum Level Studies Plan - Sakib just starting
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