Simulation Meeting November 11 2024 1030AM ET

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Revision as of 01:16, 18 November 2024 by Rakithab (Talk | contribs) (Minutes)

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Simulation page

Agenda for Today

  1. hyperon background study

Running Agenda

  1. Ongoing Hyperon study
  2. Ongoing Ferrous studies
  3. ep elastic background study to compare soft and hard scattering: Not yet started



  • David asked about the possibility of running the code at different beam energies in future in case we have to run at a different beam energy for some reason. So It is good to preserve the code used for this analysis preferably in git hub and with well written documentation for future use.
  • Currently electro-production assumes 11 GeV electron and no radiative loss before vertex and this lead to the discussion about How to combine electro-production and photo-production to get total rates and asymmetries.

There was also some discussion about bremsstrahlung photon doing photo-production as well as radiated electron doing electro-production. Sso we need to make sure we are not over or under counting interaction when we combine electro and photo production