Simulation Meeting September 8 2022 1130AM ET
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- TID Calculations for the GEM racks docDB973
- TID calculations for the Thermistors in the DS Torus docDB979
- Collimator 6 design - Chandan docDB974
- TID Calculations for the GEM racks
- DS barite wall is extended to cover the GEM racks
- Compared placing the GEM racks before and after the wall (config 28 and 29)
- Added Al shielding for GEM racks reduced the TID is less
- TID calculations for the Thermistors in the DS Torus
- Using config 29
- Dose numbers for potential Thermistors locations shown
- Collimator 6 design - Chandan docDB974
- Effect of collimator 6 using symmetric maps
- Compared with no col-6 A or B
- Then added back col-A and B
- The same study was done using realistic maps ( some asymmetry)
- It seems like adding Col-6 B increases the background rate coming from the bore of Col-4
- Col6-B needs to be tweaked, it could be that some mismatch with the engineering design, this issue was fixed and the study was done with correct Col6-B
- The issue still exists, probably edge scattering in Col6-B
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