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# Upstream Torus Magnet - Pb vs W Side Plate Shielding Comparison :Sakib
# Upstream Torus Magnet - Pb vs W Side Plate Shielding Comparison :Sakib [https://moller.jlab.org/DocDB/0010/001016/001/UpstreamDose%20%281%29.pdf]
# Neutron flux in the lintels and collar1 [https://moller.jlab.org/cgi-bin/DocDB/private/ShowDocument?docid=1012 docDB1012]: Zuhal
# Neutron flux in the lintels and collar1 [https://moller.jlab.org/cgi-bin/DocDB/private/ShowDocument?docid=1012 docDB1012]: Zuhal
# Downstream magnet fastener ferrous material budget update [https://moller.jlab.org/cgi-bin/DocDB/private/ShowDocument?docid=1015 docDB1015]: Kent, Eric
# Downstream magnet fastener ferrous material budget update [https://moller.jlab.org/cgi-bin/DocDB/private/ShowDocument?docid=1015 docDB1015]: Kent, Eric

Latest revision as of 01:05, 17 February 2023

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  1. Upstream Torus Magnet - Pb vs W Side Plate Shielding Comparison :Sakib [1]
  2. Neutron flux in the lintels and collar1 docDB1012: Zuhal
  3. Downstream magnet fastener ferrous material budget update docDB1015: Kent, Eric
  4. SAM area power deposit in asymmetric field maps: Devi docDB1011



  • Neutron flux in the lintels and collar1:
    • The goal of the study is to see if the high energy neutrons flux to see if tritium production in cooling water is under control.

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