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# Magnet coil and epoxy (CTD-403) Activation
# Magnet coil and epoxy (CTD-403) Activation
## From Lorenzo: "implement both magnet into fluka and have fluka create a good enough irradiation spectrum. In this way the activation profile is going to be more realistic and one will be able to point also possible hot spots, where self shielding is going to be important, etc"
## From Lorenzo: "implement both magnet into fluka and have fluka create a good enough irradiation spectrum. In this way the activation profile is going to be more realistic and one will be able to point also possible hot spots, where self shielding is going to be important, etc"
# Shielding Updates -Zuhal [https://moller.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000862/001/Moller_14Feb22_c23v2.pdf slides]
# Shielding Updates -Zuhal [https://moller.jlab.org/DocDB/0008/000862/002/Moller_14Feb22_c23v3.pdf slides]

Revision as of 18:02, 14 February 2022

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  1. Magnet coil and epoxy (CTD-403) Activation
    1. From Lorenzo: "implement both magnet into fluka and have fluka create a good enough irradiation spectrum. In this way the activation profile is going to be more realistic and one will be able to point also possible hot spots, where self shielding is going to be important, etc"
  2. Shielding Updates -Zuhal slides


Devi, Sudip, Eric Sun, Dave Kashy, Zuhal, Dustin, Elham, Damon Spoyde, David Amg., Naz, Ciprian, Probir, Mike, Michael Gerike, KK, Sakib, Nafis, Mark Pitt, Kate, Paul King, Chandan


  1. Coil Radiation dose:
    1. A detailed coil design from Engineers would be nice to have fr Lorenzo. Sakib already has that and he will share that with Ciprian.
    2. D. Kashy: Let the Engineers know if more information is required.
  2. Regarding moving the hybrid hall just downstream of collimator 4 (A proposal from J. Fast):
    1. KK: We have to evaluate three configurations - 1. the present one, 2. the one which Jim proposed, & 3. Cip's modification on Jim's proposal.
  3. Material about Tie rods and bearings (from Dave Kashy):
    1. DHK: It would be nice to know the material for the tie rods and bearings - whether they are acceptable or should they try for Al as an alternative material.
    2. KK: Caryn will organize the sub-group meeting with Kent and others.
  4. Shielding simulation (Zuhal):
    1. Used a new configuration (config 23) with less concrete at the upstream region of the upstream vessel (to accommodate the HRS's nose), no tapering on the hybrid wall (a 15 cm one)
    2. The neutron fluence at the upstream region is ~ 1.E14 /sq. cm for the entire MOLLER run. This could be a potential problem for the activation profile.
    3. PS bunker height: The present configuration is not enough to tell about the exact height dimension of the PS bunker. More studies are required.
    4. The hybrid Pb wall tapering: There is a factor of 50 increase of low-energy electron flux at the downstream of the hybrid wall with the new hybrid wall design (compared to what Chandan proposed earlier). Ciprian: This may be benign (due to low energy particles), we should compare the particle distribution just downstream of the concrete detector wall.
    5. TID calculation for water-cooled lead: Information is shared with Probir and engineers will evaluate the situation and will get back to the Physicists.
  5. The TID for the GEM3 region is evaluated and Cip will convey this to David Armstrong.
  6. Dustin: Radiation load simulation from Sudip ( still preliminary)
    1. KK: Should organize an off-line meeting with Mark, Devi, and Chandan and come up with a final version for the future meeting.
  7. Concrete donut in front of the pion detector (KK):
    1. Everyone should make sure that the concrete donut from the pion detector is removed.
    2. Cip: not sure it is removed from their design. Will double-check.
    3. Sudip: Have results with and without the pion concrete donut.

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