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(How to Login and Setup Computing Environment)
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=How to Login and Setup Computing Environment=
=How to Login and Setup Computing Environment=
Windows Machine
* Download a ssh client. Ex: https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/download-home-edition.html
* Download https://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/
* Setup an ssh session to login to ifarm with the mobaxterm client
Linux Machine
To follow the instructions below you need to have a JLab user account activated and your user account must be associated with Hall A user group. If you have trouble login into the computing cluster please talk to your JLab supervisor.
To follow the instructions below you need to have a JLab user account activated and your user account must be associated with Hall A user group. If you have trouble login into the computing cluster please talk to your JLab supervisor.

Revision as of 01:28, 28 May 2021

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How to get an account on ifarm

If you are not visiting jlab:

  • To get a JLab user account, each new user must fill out the Access Registration Form. This is not a computer account form, but rather records the "users" of the lab facilities. Be sure to fill out (and remember) the emergency contact information requested - the information will be used for identification later.
  • Send an email to helpdesk@jlab.org and ask to create an account on ifarm. You will need to provide your name, your supervisor and instituition name, and also mention that you are part of the moller12gev group under halla.
  • Complete the GEN034U training at https://www.jlab.org/div_dept/train/webbasedtraining.html

How to Login and Setup Computing Environment

Windows Machine

Linux Machine

To follow the instructions below you need to have a JLab user account activated and your user account must be associated with Hall A user group. If you have trouble login into the computing cluster please talk to your JLab supervisor.

  1. Use ssh command to first log in to JLab login server (replace jlab_username with your JLab user name): ssh -X jlab_username@login.jlab.org type jlab password
  2. Next from the login server terminal ssh into JLab computing interactive terminal, ifarm: ssh -X jlab_username@ifarm.jlab.org type jlab password
  3. Now we set the computing environment for simulation
    1. Set following environment variables
      1. setenv JLAB_ROOT /site/12gev_phys
      2. setenv JLAB_VERSION 2.4
  4. Then execute the following command:
    1. source /site/12gev_phys/softenv.csh 2.4

Setup MOLLER simulation code: Remoll

  1. Following commands are only done once
    1. git clone https://github.com/JeffersonLab/remoll remoll
    2. cd remoll/
    3. git checkout develop
    4. mkdir build
    5. cd build
    6. cmake ../
    7. make
    8. cd ..
  2. To view the current GDML geometry:
    1. run MOLLER simulation code by: ./build/remoll
    2. click menu 1.Geometry and select MOLLER Experiment
    3. click menu 3. Initialize and select Initialize
    4. click menu 4. Viewer and select Qt Viewer (Stored) (second item)
    5. Now MOLLER geometry should be accessible