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# Results of the REMOLL PULL REQUEST (579, 581, 584) validation study updates since last week by Sayak Chatterjee
# Results of the REMOLL PULL REQUEST (579, 581, 584) validation study updates since last week by Sayak Chatterjee
# Two bounce code update: Sakib
* Results of the REMOLL PULL REQUEST (579, 581, 584) validation study
** Compared photon vertices from different geomety inclusions from pull requests.
** Compared the ratio plots wrt to develop branch
* Two bounce code update
** Compared Chandan’s branch two bounce code and made improvements upto US coil
=ZoomGov Meeting Information=
=ZoomGov Meeting Information=

Latest revision as of 18:52, 23 March 2023

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  1. Results of the REMOLL PULL REQUEST (579, 581, 584) validation study updates since last week by Sayak Chatterjee
  2. Two bounce code update: Sakib



  • Results of the REMOLL PULL REQUEST (579, 581, 584) validation study
    • Compared photon vertices from different geomety inclusions from pull requests.
    • Compared the ratio plots wrt to develop branch
  • Two bounce code update
    • Compared Chandan’s branch two bounce code and made improvements upto US coil

ZoomGov Meeting Information

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